Wednesday, September 7, 2011

just another day in paradise..

Found on the beach in Yamba which is a 10 hour drive north of Sydney. I took a mini trip with a fellow student from Vermont up the coast. We spent the week at the beach with some of her friends. This is one of my favorite photos :-)

This picture is from Byron Bay where we had a bonfire on the beach. Absolutely beautiful. It was towards the end of winter when we went so it was a little chilly, here we are having an 'anti raindance' didn't work and we had to run for 30 minutes in pouring rain to escape, wouldn't have minded it so much if i didn't have my camera!!!!!

The First Sunday of every month we (including most of my Newtown friends and about 5 out of my 9 roommates) venture across the street to Sydney Park for some Dubbed reggae music where we dance footloose and fancy free among the locals of all ages shapes and sizes.  My favorite Sunday activity considering it’s a free afternoon solely consisting of basking in the sun, hanging out with hoolahooping hippies, chippering children, and dancing into the sunset.

OT friends; Jen from San Fran and Kylie, local Aussie :-)
Main campus...this is not where I have class but I am here pretty much 4 times a week given I study at the library directly across the street. !

local birds

My first Kangaroos! It only took 6 months to see
them!!!  But it was well worth the wait!

Winter In July....Every year Bondi Beach which is the local and largest beach in Sydney holds a week long festival celebrating winter. This year they had a ice skating rink on the beach. It was beautiful and the water was actually warm! ( at least i thought so!)  I'm actually looking into moving out to this beach for next semester. The only issue is it is extremely expensive, so my chances of finding the perfect place for a cheap price are slim. But that certainly doesn't mean I'm going to stop looking!

Bondi Beach

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