Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Living Social...the real deal ;-)

Thanks to one amazing living social deal, I have been hitting the yoga mats at least 4 days a week at this studio about an hour walk from my house..
The deal is three months unlimited yoga for $49.... Can it get any better then that?!

Though I sometimes take the bus early mornings and when I'm running late, I prefer to stroll from my house with or without my music to clear my head and enjoy the beautiful area. Serenity at its finest, it has been this walk before and after yoga that has helped me find balance and peace of mind :-)


Since I don't know how to crack a coconut  without a machete, this is seriously second best! What I've been drinking after each class or at least once a day.. Obsessed. Talk about  refreshing and replenishing! :-)
   Just some pictures of my daily stroll...since I currently cannot afford to live by the beach,  I am constantly trying to find less stressful ways to unwind and keep it real..

Given that I find it hard to pass a shop without peeking in or "browsing" through the merchandise, Ive found just taking a camera to snap some shots helps to ease the urge of buying things I  do not need, and therefor do not want. :-) Bad habits die hard, but I WILL most certainly break it. Mark my word.! Especially since I donated practically everything I owned before moving here, I definitely don't need to start the cycle of collecting anymore "STUFF"


1 comment:

  1. That's one heck of a yoga deal! I'm jealous. Do you ever do it on the beach like back in good ole de? Miss you
