jappy halloween
the best 26 years of my life...
i read a quote the other day. thought it kinda funny
"statistics say those who have more birthdays live the longest"
this picture does not depict how i feel after my first year of grad school
dare i say i believe i deserve my three months vacation starting in 2 weeks?....
Halloween painting..on my street with my two housemates in their first ever Halloween costumes. we have Frida Kahlo on the left and a goblin on the right..
actually just watched Frida for the first time . beautifully filmed movie, i feel inspired.
birthday dinner with Uni girls from my masters program...at a bar down the street from my house
I went to the Mind Body Spirit Festival Today in Sydney with some friends and it was very fun and relaxing day to take for a De-stress da
y from class work. The other day I was actually discussing with my housemate about the Paradox of our Age written by the Dalia Lama,and at the festival today my housemate bought me the script. so sweet. its one of my favorites. I don't think I have ever read a statement that was so clear. and so. spot on.